Price: £12.95£109.95

SKU: N/A Category:


A pure white sparkling pearl with a silver sheen base coat.

The sample shown was painted over a white base.

The kit can be supplied with 1k clear if not for auto use as it is not petrol resistant. This is £6 less. Please leave a note during checkout if you want 1k clear and we will refund the amount back to you.

Welcome to the world of pearl paints.

These paints are true white pearl to give that bright clean metallic iridescent shimmer which are a 3 stage paint, ground coat (usually white but other coloured ground coats can be used and will give a different colour effects) pearl then finished with clear for a deep lasting gloss. Light even coats are best with a 50 to 60% overlap.

Our white pearl base coats need to be mixed with our reducer at a ratio of 2 candy to 1 thinners and will dry with a matte finish.

Start by prepping the work in the normal way and wet flat with 800 wet and dry, do not break through the primer.

Apply 2 to 3 even coats of the reduced ground coat letting each one matte off before applying the next, the length of drying time will vary due to temperature, application etc.

Apply reduced white pearl in light even coats until the desired colour is achieved again, let each one matte off before applying the next.

If any fine line work is needed let it matte off and give it an hour or two first.

Apply clear within a 24 hour period for maximum adhesion.

Our kits comprise of white ground coat, white pearl, 2k clear with hardener and enough reducer for the base and pearl.

We can supply different colour basecoats and different clears ie 1k or matte.


Additional information


250ml, 500ml, 500ml kit, 1 Litre, 1 Litre Kit, 400ml Aerosol, 400ml Aerosol Kit