Price: £5.49£20.95

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Haloween purple holographic metal flake.

The sample shown is the medium size flake painted over a black ground coat.


Welcome to the world of holographic metal flake.

These flakes are premium grade automotive flakes that are uv, solvent and heat resistant & will NOT fade, rust or discolour, the holographic flakes are laser cut polyester coated giving a very high sparkle.

These are available in 3 sizes:

Fine is 1/256” = 0.01mm can use in guns with 1.2 fluid nozzle

Medium 1/128” = 0.02mm can use in guns with 1.4 fluid nozzle

Large 1/64” = 0.15mm can use in guns with 1.8 fluid nozzle

I prefer to use a similar coloured base coat to the flake I am using, if not a dark one is best.

Flakes can be applied in clear or in a flake base coat carrier either way they will need plenty of clear over them to get a smooth finish -I prefer base coat carrier as it dries quicker and is more forgiving, drying with a matte finish.

Always mix the flake to the carrier/clear after it has been reduced and had hardener added (follow exact mixing instructions for the products used) and stir in well.

Another way of applying flake is with a flake buster gun wetting the surface of the work with clear and then blowing the flake on at a very low pressure (a shultz gun will do this well). You will need to pat the flakes down when dry as they can stand on end with this method and will take a lot more covering with clear.

Start by prepping the work in the normal way and wet flat with 800 wet and dry, do not break through the primer.

Apply 2 to 3 even coats of the reduced ground coat letting each one matte off before applying the next, the length of drying time will vary due to temperature, application etc.

Apply the flake in which ever way you choose, let each coat tack off before applying the next.

Apply clear to cover the flake in light even coats until it feels smooth.

Flakes are great under candy paints for a really dramatic effect, only start lining,masking and applying candies when the clear covering the flake is nice and smooth – wet flat with 800 first.

We can supply different colour basecoats and different clears ie 2k, 1k or matte.